Updated August 16, 2018 | complete program
Tuesday, September 11 | |
WELCOME Park West Ballroom 9:00 a.m. – 10:20 a.m. |
SPEAKER: Mohamed “Mo” K. Bur, TxDOT (Bur presentation, 1.8MB) |
KEYNOTE Park West Ballroom 9:00 a.m. – 10:20 a.m. |
ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION SPEAKER: Meghna Tare, Institute for Sustainability and Global Impact (Tare presentation, 1.2MB) Institutions of higher education play a pivotal role in transforming the lives of individuals and community by disseminating knowledge, fostering innovation, and promoting a more resource-efficient economy. They also act as catalysts for sustainability efforts in the cities where they are located by promoting engagement, participation and multi-sector collaborations across campuses and beyond. Such collaborations and networks tend to shift thinking, motivate, and create collective impact and sustainable communities. |
GENERAL SESSION Park West Ballroom 9:00 a.m. – 10:20 a.m. |
METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN AIR QUALITY SPEAKER: Chris Klaus, North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) (Klaus presentation, 1.3MB) A presentation on how to ensure successful implementation of a regions long range transportation plan and assist in reaching or maintaining compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Learn about MPO requirements under federal law, critical involvement in air quality plans, and implementation of additional emission reduction activities. |
GENERAL SESSION Park West Ballroom 10:35 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. |
BEYOND REPLACEMENT: EXAMINING COMMUNITY IMPACTS AND MITIGATION ON THE I-70 EAST PROJECT IN DENVER SPEAKERS: Kirk Webb and Carrie Wallis, Atkins, Inc.; and Venessa Henderson, Colorado DOT (Webb, Wallis and Henderson presentation, 9.4MB) Key members of the project team will discuss the unique challenges encountered and creative solutions implemented on I-70 East EIS project. The project proposed to rebuild the primary east-west corridor through a densely developed part of Denver. The team will discuss public outreach methods, building consensus, and developing mitigation to offset potentially significant community impacts throughout the corridor and particularly in areas with large minority and low-income populations. |
GENERAL SESSION Park West Ballroom 10:35 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. |
GOING ABOVE AND BEYOND — MEETING THE PUBLIC ON THEIR TERMS SPEAKERS: Marty Boyd and Jennifer Wright, TxDOT (Boyd and Wright presentation, 6.1MB) See how planning early for environmental is critical and helps deliver projects. Learn how TxDOT’s Environmental Affairs Division has a variety of resources proven to influence positive public engagement outcomes. |
GENERAL SESSION Park West Ballroom 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. |
MAMMOTH DISCOVERIES AND BIG PUBLIC RELATIONS OPPORTUNITIES SPEAKER: TxDOT Media Relations (TxDOT Media Relations presentation, 1.5MB) This presentation will discuss the public relations lessons learned from the reporting on the discovery of a mammoth during investigations for a TxDOT project. WORKING BEYOND THE ROAD TOWARDS ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE The Environmental Affairs Division will touch on the work its done for Beyond The Road. ENV will brief everyone about how it is developing tools to help Districts and Divisions share our stories and share public-friendly information about our process, which can help streamline project delivery. ENV will show highlights of the advertising/marketing campaign and also preview the tools that will help public information officers and environmental coordinators talk to the public about NEPA. ENVIRONMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS TXDOT’S POLLINATOR PROGRAM Learn about TxDOT’s award-winning pollinator program that helps support Monarch butterflies and other pollinators, while still meeting infrastructure maintenance needs and requirements. |
GENERAL SESSION Park West Ballroom 3:00 p.m. – 4:20 p.m. |
NEPA POLICY AND PRINCIPLES IN THEIR 49TH YEAR: A WASHINGTON DC PERSPECTIVE SPEAKER: Owen Lindauer, FHWA (Lindauer presentation, 140KB) This presentation will review the core NEPA policies and principles that have been in effect over the past 49 years and were implemented by TxDOT over the past 5 years. Owen will provide a perspective of the implementation of NEPA policy and principles both inside and outside of Texas. 139 (L) : TO PREPARE OR NOT TO PREPARE, THAT IS THE QUESTION A discussion of managing risk for transportation projects and the value of using the 23 CFR 771.139 – Limitations on actions regulation. OUR PROGRAM BY THE NUMBERS |
POSTER SESSION Park West Foyer/Trinity l 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. |
In this session, TxDOT presents information on a variety of short research and regulatory topics. Posters will be available for viewing for an extended period during the conference. The presenters will also be available at the posters to answer questions during the scheduled poster session. |
Wednesday, September 12 | |
BREAKOUT SESSION 1 Texas Learning Center 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. |
WHAT’S HOT IN YOUR DISTRICT? SPEAKERS: TxDOT District Environmental Representatives (Dallas District presentation, 1.0MB | Pharr District presentation, 2.0MB) Join us for a fast-paced session where TxDOT Districts will provide a 2-minute highlight of challenges or issues they are facing, best practices they’ve identified, curious/interesting things happening in their area, or other interesting topics. This session is meant to be an ice-breaker and encourage discussions outside the session over the course of the conference. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 2 Park West A/B 9: 00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. |
UPCOMING ECOS UPGRADES SPEAKER: Doug Booher, TxDOT Discussion of planned upgrades to ECOS in 2019. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 3 Park West C/D 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. |
MS4 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS AND UPDATES SPEAKER: Adrienne Boer, TxDOT (Boer presentation, 2.1MB) TxDOT is now permitted under a single Statewide MS4 Permit. This presentation will highlight activities under the permit, results from the first and drafted second annual reports, areas of focus throughout the permit’s five-year term, and targeted areas for improvement. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 4 Park West E/F 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. |
2018 CHANGES TO TXDOT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW RULES SPEAKER: Patrick Lee, TxDOT (Lee presentation, 469KB) This presentation will give an overview of revisions made by TxDOT to the Texas Administrative Code, Title 43, Chapter 2, “Environmental Review of Transportation Projects.” |
BREAKOUT SESSION 5 Texas Learning Center 10:45 a.m. – Noon |
INCORPORATING LAND USE AND TRAVEL FORECASTING LESSONS LEARNED IN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES SPEAKER: Jeremy Raw, FHWA (Raw presentation, 371KB) This presentation will summarize lessons learned from an internal FHWA multidisciplinary review of land use and travel forecasting issues in NEPA studies. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 6 Park West A/B 10:45 a.m. – Noon |
PROGRAM REVIEW FINDINGS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND MAKING APPROPRIATE HMM IMPACT DETERMINATIONS FOR TXDOT PROJECTS SPEAKER: Douglass Mack, TxDOT (Mack presentation 1, 471KB | Mack presentation 2, 828KB) A review of the issues commonly identified during ENV-Program Reviews for Hazardous Materials and how to avoid those same issues on future projects. The speaker will also discuss how to make the appropriate HMM impact determinations for potential HMM issues identified during the Initial Site Assessment (ISA) process. Specifically, how to populate Section 8 of the ISA and what needs to be transferred to an ECOS IIR form. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 7 Park West C/D 10:45 a.m. – Noon |
ESA CONSULTATION: WHAT TO DO AND WHAT NOT TO DO SPEAKERS: Jodi Bechtel, Barbara Grahmann, Andrew Chisholm, and Andy Blair, TxDOT; and Charlotte Kucera, USFWS (Bechtel presentation, 349KB | Grahmann, Chisholm and Blair presentation, 3.9MB | Kucera presentation, 2.9MB) After a brief overview of the Endangered Species Act Section 7 process, District and US Fish and Wildlife Service staff will share case studies and lessons learned across the state related to ESA consultations and considerations. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 8 Park West E/F 10:45 a.m. – Noon |
CIVIC ENGAGEMENT THROUGH THE EYES OF A MILLENNIAL SPEAKERS: Julie Jerome, TxDOT; Kevin Feldt, AICP and Dr. Lloyd Potter, IDSER (Jerome, Feldt and Potter presentation, 6.8MB) Millennials make up one-third of the U.S. population and their communication habits differ dramatically from their predecessors (Boomers and Generation X, for example). Involving Millennials in our transportation decisions must be an integral part of TxDOT’s culture of transparency, and online engagement is a tool for achieving that goal. Learn how TxDOT districts are using online engagement as an innovative and effective strategy of an overall public involvement plan to reach across generations. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 9 Texas Learning Center 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. |
NAVIGATING THE 404 PERMITTING PROCESS SPEAKERS: Susan Shuffield, TxDOT; Blake Crosby, VRX, Inc.; John Moravec, TxDOT; Robin Gelston, TxDOT; and Ryan Robol, Johnson, Mirmiran, and Thompson, Inc. (Shuffield presentation, 2.4MB | Crosby presentation, 2.8MB | Moravec and Robol presentation, 2.7MB | Gelston presentation, 3.1MB) A basic overview of Section 404 requirements under the Clean Water Act will be provided, then the session will focus on project examples and lessons learned across the state related to 404 permitting. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 10 Park West A/B 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. |
SUMMARY OF 2018 NOISE POLICY CHANGES SPEAKER: Ray Umscheid, TxDOT (Umscheid presentation, 1.5MB) This breakout session is designed for project managers and traffic noise practitioners and will provide an overview of traffic noise policy changes being implemented in 2018’s updated Traffic Noise Policy. These changes include: a new cost reasonableness process and costs for noise abatement approved by FHWA, a new minimum threshold for benefiting receivers for noise barrier feasibility determinations, and new public involvement procedures. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 11 Park West C/D 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. |
AIR QUALITY UPDATES SPEAKERS: Tim Wood, TxDOT; and Jeff Riley, EPA Region 6 (Wood presentation, 1.0MB) This session will cover updates to the air quality program to include: MSAT traffic data change; conformity assignment of CEs; hot-spot POAQC threshold changes; updated guidance; current AQ issues; update on 1997 ozone NAAQS lawsuit and implications; update on 2015 ozone NAAQS designations and implications. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 12 Park West E/F 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. |
TRIBAL CONSULTATION FOR FHWA UNDERTAKINGS SPEAKERS: Laura Cruzada and Scott Pletka, TxDOT; and Tribal Representatives (Tribal Representative presentation, 3.1MB) TxDOT’s Archeological Studies Branch works with federally-recognized tribes, many of whom are not based in Texas. Participants will hear from tribal representatives who will share their perspective on the history of tribes in Texas. This portion of the presentation will provide context for why TxDOT and tribes consult, how TxDOT addresses tribal concerns, and the various steps taken to ensure tribes are afforded early opportunities to participate in project development. Environmental coordinators and consultants can expect to gain a better understanding of consultation requirements and the documentation necessary for compliance with Section 106. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 13 Park West C/D 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. |
SPOT THE DIFFERENCES: TITLE VI VS. ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE SPEAKERS: Nicolle Kord and Christopher Amy, TxDOT (Kord and Amy presentation, 2.7MB) This session will outline the basics of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Environmental Justice Executive Order. The instructors will highlight how they are different and in what ways they are similar. They will also discuss how TxDOT addresses these regulations and provide case studies on transportation projects from TxDOT and other State DOTs that have faced Title VI and EJ challenges. |
BREAKOUT SESSION 14 Park West A/B 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. |
NATURAL RESOURCES: HOT TOPICS! SPEAKERS: Alan Glen and Clover Clamons, TxDOT (Becthel presentation, 122KB | Glen presentation, 561KB | Clamons presentation, 1.6MB) The latest emerging issues in the natural resource arena will be discussed, such as status updates on Migratory Bird Treaty Act interpretation, the Waters of the U.S. rule, and proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act. In addition, NRM staff will review common problems seen in ESA consultation documents in the development and review stages and how to avoid them (this discussion is highly recommended for consultants!). |
BREAKOUT SESSION 15 Texas Learning Center 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. |
SPEED LEARNING SESSION SPEAKERS: Various TxDOT SMEs The goal of this breakout is to give participants a venue to learn from a variety of Subject Matter Experts (SME). The session is divided into six 10-minute segments allowing participants to receive more personal attention from the SMEs and more information in a short amount of time. This flexible format gives participants multiple opportunities to exchange thoughts and questions with the SMEs in a small group setting. The sessions will run concurrently with other speed learning sessions within the same room. Each speed learning session is assigned to a roundtable that holds 8–10 participants. |
Thursday, September 13 | |
WORKSHOP/TRAINING 1 Park West A/B 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. – Noon 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. |
PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND SECTION 106: EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR COMPLIANCE AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT SPEAKER: Terry Klein, SRI Foundation Nationally recognized as an expert in DOT project planning for cultural resource issues, Terry Klein returns to Texas with insights into successfully integrating public engagement for cultural resources into the overall NEPA framework. The training is highly interactive and built on actual TxDOT case studies. Whether you are a new district environmental staffer or a consultant who works for them, don’t miss this chance to explore how to deliver your project more effectively. |
WORKSHOP/TRAINING 2 Park West C/D 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. – Noon 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. |
INTERPRETATIVE WRITING FOR CULTURAL RESOURCES SPEAKER: Erin McClelland, Erin McClelland Museum Services Back by popular demand, museum expert Erin McClelland will lead a day-long workshop on interpretive writing for cultural resources. This workshop is designed for historical and archeological consultants interested in working with TxDOT to tell stories around the archeology and history uncovered beyond the road. The workshop will incorporate exercises and examples based on historic places and transportation history and will give you a chance to try your newly-found skill in interpretation. |
WORKSHOP/TRAINING 3 Texas Learning Center 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. – Noon |
ASSESS THIS! WOUS ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES IN FORT WORTH, TEXAS RAPID ASSESSMENT METHOD (TXRAM) SPEAKER: Fred Land, USACE (Land workshop presentation, 14.3MB) TXRAM is a conditional assessment methodology approved for use on projects within the USACE Fort Worth and Tulsa Districts that have unavoidable stream and wetland impacts requiring mitigation. The training will provide insight on using the method for conditional assessment of streams and wetlands. |
WORKSHOP/TRAINING 4 Park West E/F 9: 00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m. – Noon |
ENV 125 – FUNDAMENTALS OF TRAFFIC NOISE SPEAKER: Ray Umscheid, TxDOT (Umscheid workshop presentation, 7.3MB) This training will introduce recent updates to TxDOT’s Traffic Noise Analysis process, and provide a general overview of the Traffic Noise process with a concentration on documentation and interpretation of TNM modeling results. This class is designed for Project Managers and those with no traffic noise experience. |
WORKSHOP/TRAINING 5 Park West E/F 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. |
ENV 411: HOW TO WRITE RIGHT SPEAKER: Melissa Neeley, TxDOT (Neeley workshop presentation, 334KB) This module is about using Plain Language in environmental documents. Attendees will learn the basics of Plain Language and why using it in environmental documents is important. |