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August 28-29, 2019
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, Virginia 22101
Updated August 27, 2019 | complete program
Agenda Day 1
8:30 AM — Morning Session
Welcome and Mission
Brian Cronin (Director, Office of Safety and Operations, FHWA)
Roya Amjadi (Program Manager, Development of Crash Modification Factors, FHWA)
Overview of Meeting, TTI
- Quick Demo of Poll Everywhere
Marcus Brewer (TTI)
Discussion of Peer Exchange Topics, All
Background of ELCSI
- Overview of ELCSI Pooled Fund Study, and general report
Roya Amjadi (FHWA)
(Amjadi presentation slides, 360KB)
ELCSI New Evaluations
- The ELCSI-PFS Phase XI Evaluations
Raul Avelar (TTI)
(Avelar (ELCSI New Evaluations) presentation slides, 578KB)
Roundtable Discussions on States’ Low-Cost Countermeasure Evaluations and Lessons Learned
Karen Scurry (FHWA)
Topic 1: Horizontal Curve Safety and High Friction Surface Treatments
- Update on High Friction Surface Treatment Study in Virginia
Stephen Read (VDOT)
(Read (Topic 1) presentation slides, 943KB) - Overview of HFST
Joe Cheung (FHWA)
(Cheung (Topic 1) presentation slides, 800KB) - Continuous Friction Measurement
Jeff Shaw (FHWA)
(Shaw (Topic 1) presentation slides, 1.6MB) - ELCSI-PFS Completed HFST Evaluations
David Merritt
(Merritt presentation slides, 830KB)
Topic 2: Intersections (including Roundabouts and Access Management)
- Reduced Conflict Intersections (RCI) /J-turn Installation and Evaluations in Minnesota
Derek Leuer (MnDOT)
(Leuer (Topic 2) presentation slides, 1.2MB) - Intersections
Jeff Shaw (FHWA)
(Shaw (Topic 2) presentation slides, 250KB) - Wrong-Way Driving Countermeasures on Divided Highways
Melisa Finley (TTI)
(Finley presentation slides, 576KB) - Innovative Intersections
Karen Dixon (TTI) - Ongoing ELSCI-PFS Evaluation: Safety Evaluation of Adaptive Signal Control Technology
Raul Avelar (TTI)
(Avelar (Topic 2) presentation slides, 225KB) - Mini–Roundabout Applications
Wei Zhang (FHWA)
(Zhang presentation slides, 365.2MB)
12:00 PM — Lunch
1:00 PM — Afternoon Session
Topic 3: Pedestrians and Bicycles
- Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analysis Implementation
Christina McDaniel-Wilson (Oregon DOT)
(McDaniel-Wilson presentation slides, 181KB) - Recent Pedestrian Crash Evaluation at MN Roundabouts
Derek Leuer (MnDOT)
(Leuer (Topic 3) presentation slides, 1.3MB) - FDOT Efforts on FHWA EDC5 STEP (Safety Transportation for Every Pedestrian)
Joe Santos (FDOT) - US Census Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Study
James Livsey (Census Bureau)
(Livsey presentation slides, 2.3MB) - Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian
Rebecca Crowe (FHWA)
(Crowe presentation slides, 4.8MB) - Ongoing ELCSI-PFS Evaluation: Safety Evaluation of Reducing Lane and Shoulder Width to add Bicycle Lane
Raul Avelar (TTI)
(Avelar (Topic 3) presentation slides, 1.7MB) - Ongoing ELCSI-PFS Evaluation: Safety Evaluation of Separated Bicycle Path/Lanes
Karen Dixon (TTI)
Topic 4: Speed Management
- Implementation of VSL in Washington
Alec Bumgarner (WSDOT)
(Bumgarner presentation slides, 1.1MB) - Update on FHWA’s Speed Management Current Activities
Abdul Zineddin (FHWA)
(Zineddin presentation slides, 470KB) - Ongoing ELCSI-PFS Evaluation: Safety Evaluation of Variable Speed Limits
Raul Avelar (TTI)
(Avelar (Topic 4) presentation slides, 208KB) - Discussion on Speed Management Strategies (all State DOTs)
Briefs from Invited Speakers
- Update on IIHS Activities
Wen Hu (IIHS)
(Hu presentation slides, 1.2MB) - Cap II and CAP 2 Analysis Webinar and Update on Safety Data and Analysis Program
Esther Strawder (FHWA)
(Strawder presentation slides, 595KB) - Human Factors Laboratory
Brian Philips (FHWA)
(Philips presentation slides, 2.2MB) - New/Novel Highway Signs for Motorcycle Crash Countermeasures
Yusuf Mohamedshah (FHWA)
(Mohamedshah presentation slides, 375KB)
States’ Roundtable Discussion
Karen Scurry (FHWA)
- Safety Evaluation Needs
(Scurry (Safety Evaluation Needs) presentation slides, 154KB)
5:00 PM — Adjourn
Agenda Day 2
8:00 AM — Morning Session
Recap of Day 1
Topic 5: Roadway Departure
- Enhanced Curve Delineation Study in Virginia
Stephen Read (VDOT)
(Read (Topic 5) presentation slides, 323KB) - Recent Experience with HFST in South Dakota
Andy Vandel (SDDOT)
(Vandel presentation slides, 2.2MB) - Update on Intersection and Lane Departure Statewide Plan in Florida
Joe Santos (FDOT)
(Santos (Topic 5) presentation slides, 423KB) - Roadway Departure: Current Efforts and Resources
Joe Cheung (FHWA)
(Cheung (Topic 5) presentation slides, 4.2MB) - Ongoing ELCSI-PFS Evaluation: Safety Evaluation of Roadside Treatments
Raul Avelar (TTI)
(Avelar (Topic 5) presentation slides, 596KB)
Topic 6: Emerging Topics, Challenges, and Noteworthy Practices
- Upcoming Changes in HSIP in Texas
Heather Lott (TxDOT)
(Lott presentation slides, 491KB) - HSIP Priority Changes in Colorado
David Swenka (CDOT)
(Swenka presentation slides, 3.1MB) - Setting SHSP Targets Using Crash Prediction Models and Behavioral Factors
Stephen Read (VDOT)
(Read (Topic 6) presentation slides, 1.9MB) - Drainage Maintenance as Low-Cost Safety Countermeasure
Kornel Kerenyi or Joe Krolak (FHWA)
(Kerenyi or Krolak presentation slides, 4.2MB) - Connected Vehicles Research
Deborah Curtis (FHWA)
(Curtis presentation slides, 2.5MB) - SHRP2 Safety Research
Charles Fay (FHWA)
(Fay presentation slides, 530KB)
Topic 7: HSM2
- HSM2 Development Update
Karen Dixon (TTI)
(Dixon (Topic 7) presentation slides, 1.3MB) - CMFs for HSM2
Karen Scurry (FHWA)
(Scurry (Topic 7) presentation slides, 764KB)
Statistical Methodology
- Power Analysis for Sample Size Estimation in Cross-sectional Safety Studies
Raul Avelar (TTI)
(Avelar (Statistical Methodology) presentation slides, 357KB) - Questions and Discussion
Peer Exchange
This session will feature questions posed by TAC members to their peers. The purpose of this facilitated discussion is to share best practices and identify collective challenges.
12:00 PM — Lunch
1:00 PM — Afternoon Session
Topic 7: HSM2 (continued)
- Safety Implications of Lighting
Ida van Schalkwyk (WSDOT) and Karen Dixon (TTI)
(van Schalkwyk (Topic 7, first)presentation slides, 2.7MB) - Updating Safety Knowledge Based on New Evidence: The Case of Lighting CMFs in HSM Applications
Ida van Schalwyk (WSDOT)
(van Schalkwyk (Topic 7, second)presentation slides, 984KB)
1:30 PM — Next Steps
DCMF Program and ELCSI-PFS
- Future Directions
Roya Amjadi and Karen Scurry (FHWA) - Poll Questions
Karen Scurry (FHWA)
(Scurry (Poll Questions) presentation slides, 236KB) - TACs Discussion
TAC Input Form (188KB)
Peer Discussion on Future Evaluation Needs and Emerging Strategies
CEUs and Other Follow-up (128KB)